Fun paint tips:
To make your paint dry shiny add a bit of corn syrup to your tempera or fingerpaint. Fun, but sttttticky!!!
Another tip: add a drop of dish soap to increase washability. Watch for paint in the mouth on this one, although it is non toxic soap causes a bellyache.
Also, you can fingerpaint with shaving cream/food coloring (careful, this will stain but it is non-toxic. Better for older babies/toddlers because sometimes shaving cream can irritate the eye).
Super cool foam paint: shaving cream plus white elmers glue! Dries poofy!
Window clinging paint, if you are brave enough to let your little one paint the window (I love doing this, it's so cute): Mix elmer's glue and tempera paint or add food coloring to Elmer's glue. Easy to scrape or wash off. For easier washing try vinegar water.
Also, try kool-aid and pudding! Totally edible, great for young babies (that can have a bit of dairy ofcourse--only the amount that they can lick off their fingers). Careful though, it will stain whites.