Your Baby Can Read

Should you spend money on this product? Not sure if you've seen the commercials or not, but the idea is that you can teach your infant or child to read. Is it a scam? No way! This is totally possible. But know two things: 1)This is sight reading (the first stage of reading) and not phonetic reading and 2)You can do this at home for free!

I've been working on words with my son since before his 2nd birthday. Simply being consistent with flashcards or writing on paper can do the trick! But here are some free ideas to get you started on early reading skills!

WORD BOX: I took a diaper wipe box and filled it with cardboard squares. Each square had a simple word written on it, and I used 4-5 different permanent marker colors to provide variety and help my son distinguish/memorize the words. What words did I use? Words that are meaningful to him. Things that are in his world, or things he enjoys, along with simple basic words that any child could learn to recognize (like cup, or mom). I even tossed in bigger words that had special meaning to him.

NAME TIP: In teaching your child how to read or recognize their name, make up a song that spells the word. I used the tune of Old MacDonald for my son. "E-M-M, E-T-T. That spells Emmett." He sings this song to himself and now recognizes what word is spelled with them, all because of the tune!

Use your digital resources! I love using Microsoft Office's "Power Point" to teach my son because it is colorful, easy to use, and he can also utilize basic computer skills (like pressing the arrow buttons) to control the slide show himself. Here is an example of a Power Point file with some of the words Emmett has been working on (feel free to save and modify for your own use!):

"First Words" Power
Point Presentation

*please note, you will need Mic. PowerPoint application to use this file



Sensory Ideas

Salt Tray:

Take a shallow tray or cookie sheet and cover with plain old table salt! Practice drawing and making shapes and letters in the salt. It provides the neatest texture that might surprise you! Holds shapes well and gives kids such a neat sensory experience.

Water Tray:

You don't need a large water table or a bathtub for water play! Even a shallow dish of water will provide hours of fun. I'm always talking about water play but it's so wonderful for the young child. It's not just about splashing and making a mess! Provide animals for dramatic play. Provide pitchers, spoons and cups so that your child can learn about problem solving, and spacial concepts--all while honing their fine motor skills! Put out the dish towels and expect a little's fun!



Put out a plate with dabs of rainbow colors. Provide your child with small sponges in different shapes and show them how to make prints on their paper. You can buy precut shapes but it is just as easy to buy a pack of Cello sponges yourself and cut out your child's favorite shapes!



Red light, Green light
Does your child know what traffic lights mean? Bet you've forgotten about this fun, simple game that is so much fun for kids! You don't need to use a prop for this game but it is fun to make and kids can help! I simply printed out two identical pictures of traffic light clip art and stapled it to a cardboard rectangle. Here are two great (and free) pieces of clipart for you!

Red Light | Green Light

How to play: Your child can be on foot or on a bicycle, scooter, etc. Show them a starting point and make sure they understand the concept of "Red light means stop, Green light means go". Shout "Green Light" and encourage them to move forward to the goal (where you are standing) and "Red Light" to stop. My students in the past enjoyed when I turned my back to them for green, and jumped around suddenly for red. If you have a sign, it provides a great visual!

Expect a lot of giggles and a little cheating. You will get requests from now on to play this in the driveway. Free and fun! :)


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